I wrote an article on “●Easy to make in a rice cooker☆Smooth pudding that I am proud●” in note.


note に ●炊飯器で簡単☆自慢のなめらかプリン● の英語レシピを執筆しました!

Click here to read the article in English.

Click here to read the article in Japanese.








Although it is not a dish I make often, giant puddings are fun to make together and eat.

There are cooking kits available that allow you to make it with a bucket and gelatin, but I prefer to make it by hand myself.

The bittersweet caramel, rich eggs and milk meld together in your mouth and are truly delicious.

I would like to recommend people who have only ever eaten store-bought pudding to try making their own pudding and eat.

Regardless of nationality, I hope that the enjoyment of making it and the excitement of eating it will be conveyed to you, even if only a little.


【 現在掲載中の英文記事一覧】List of articles currently published in English

Self-introduction, biography, blog, social networking sites, etc.

How I started “note” and what my future plans are.

Partial move of rice cooker recipes and notice of independence

●Super easy cheesecake baked in a rice cooker●

●Biscuit fluffy sponge cake in rice cooker●

●Additional notes on rice cooker recipes in general●

●Rice cooker sponge cake details supplementary memo●

●Genoise sponge cake in a rice cooker●

【Are you sure that’s what you want?】Health, Food Safety, and Environmental Issues as Deciphered from Eggs

●Bake in rice cooker☆Fresh cream chocolate cake with HM♡●

●Moist and rich♥Gateau chocolate in a rice cooker●

●Bake in rice cooker☆Fresh cream white chocolate cake with HM♡●

●Easy to make in a rice cooker☆Smooth pudding that I am proud●

●Rice cooker pudding detailed supplemental note●





Although my English writing is still poor, the number of articles I have written is gradually increasing.

If there are people around you who are looking for English articles or recipes, I would be happy if you would share them.





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