
I wrote the Japanese and English recipes for “【No burden on people and the earth】Can be cooked in a rice cooker☆Plum Summer Birthday Cake with handmade message plate & candle”.

Click here to read the article in English.

Click here to read the article in Japanese.



  • 人と地球に優しい → Friendly to people and the earth ○?
  • 人と地球に負担をかけない → No burden on people and the earth ◎?



  • 原型師 → prototype artist ×?
  • 原型師 → Figure sculptor  ×?
  • 原型師 → Figure modeler ○?




The difficulty of translating Japanese sentences into English

  • 人と地球に優しい → Friendly to people and the earth ○?
  • 人と地球に負担をかけない → No burden on people and the earth ◎?

In Japanese, the word “優しい” (yasashii) might make sense, but when translated into English, it can sometimes feel off. Even if the sentence is not technically incorrect, it still feel strange when you read it.

In the latter part of the article, I also write a bit about a figure modeler, but…

  • 原型師 → prototype artist ×?
  • 原型師 → Figure sculptor  ×?
  • 原型師 → Figure modeler ○?

A figure modeler, who creates data on a computer and produces a prototype based on a three-dimensional object output by an SD printer, is closer to a modeler, which I think is a little different in meaning from a sculptor. A three-dimensional object made by a figure modeler is not a work of art, so it is also different from an artist.

I write English sentences little by little so that I can convey what I want to say as easily as possible.










How does Japan appear in the eyes of people who come to Japan as tourists?

When I write articles in English for foreign readers, I often wonder about such things.

While there are safe foods from their own countries, people go out of their way to buy Japanese foods full of additives that are not good for their health in bulk as souvenirs.

I have a very mixed feeling about this, because although Japanese food is often said to be of high quality, it cannot be said to be safe.

Even if there is an economic benefit, there are few things that can be proudly sold.

That is not what I really want people to see when they come to Japan, and I also don’t want them to think that this is Japan.

What do you think?


【 現在掲載中の英文記事一覧】List of articles currently published in English

Self-introduction, biography, blog, social networking sites, etc.

How I started “note” and what my future plans are.

Partial move of rice cooker recipes and notice of independence

●Super easy cheesecake baked in a rice cooker●

●Biscuit fluffy sponge cake in rice cooker●

●Additional notes on rice cooker recipes in general●

●Rice cooker sponge cake details supplementary memo●

●Genoise sponge cake in a rice cooker●

【Are you sure that’s what you want?】Health, Food Safety, and Environmental Issues as Deciphered from Eggs

●Bake in rice cooker☆Fresh cream chocolate cake with HM♡●

●Moist and rich♥Gateau chocolate in a rice cooker●

●Bake in rice cooker☆Fresh cream white chocolate cake with HM♡●

●Easy to make in a rice cooker☆Smooth pudding that I am proud●

●Rice cooker pudding detailed supplemental note●

●Super easy in a rice cooker☆Basic giant hamburg steak●

●Bake in rice cooker☆Super easy apple cake●

●Bake in rice cooker☆Super easy pumpkin cake●

【A must for mushroom lovers!】Giant hamburg steak with whole jumbo mushrooms in a rice cooker

●Bake in rice cooker☆Easy marmalade cheesecake●

●Baked in a rice cooker☆Greedy chocolate scones●

【No burden on people and the earth】Can be cooked in a rice cooker☆Plum Summer Birthday Cake with handmade message plate & candle




Although my English writing is still poor, the number of articles I have written is gradually increasing.

If there are people around you who are looking for English articles or recipes, I would be happy if you would share them.




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